Technological surveillance of energy efficiency in agricultural production systems: a systematic review




climate change, sustainability, S-curves, technological surveillance


This document highlights Energy Efficiency (EE) in agricultural production systems through the analysis of the life-cycle of publications in Scopus database, along with the help of SigmaPlot and SciMAT software. Among the results obtained; the growth rate on publications was determined until 2019, with trends in EE research in the agricultural sector. According to the search formulas "energy efficiency" (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, "ar)) and "energy efficiency AND agriculture" (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE," ar), which made visible the scientific projection according to the inflection point, as well as the most important motor issues, where those related to soil, water, climatic variability, crops, nitrogen and phosphorus are emphasized, being The United States the country with the greatest scientific dissemination in this regard. In addition, publications and institutions relevant to the case of Colombia were established through TAK ("energy efficiency" AND agriculture) AND (LIMIT-TO (AFFILCOUNTRY, "Colombia").


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